Hey everyone! I know I usually recap our goings-on during these ‘Life Lately’ articles, and I could go into all the details of our crazy holidays (hello almost having to spend the night in the van – thanks snow, and a possible case of norovirus) but I really want to just talk about potty training. No advice giving from this girl because I’m a first-timer here. R is 2 ½, and he has actually been going #1 on the potty for awhile, but only when we ask him to. After the first of the year, we decided to dive on in full force because to be honest, I’m tired of changing two people’s diapers every day. And while it always makes my heart ache a little bit when he doesn’t need me for something anymore, I know he thrives on independence with tasks so here we go.
How’s it going you ask? Surprisingly okay! When we started this I decided that I was going to make it a positive experience for all of us. It is after all one of the biggest learning and growing experience R will have at this stage. Going from completely dependent during a task to nearly independent is a huge step for a little guy, and I can do nothing but encourage him and expect accidents because it’s so new for him, and the last time you did something new were you perfect?
As a mom, this crazy transition has helped me learn and grow so much too. I thought I knew R really well, and I’m realizing every day that I still have loads to uncover about my little man. I’m learning what motivates him, how he truly learns, and what he needs from me during these big developmental milestones. I’ve learned that he is scared of making a mistake, and I am trying so hard to encourage him that it’s definitely okay to make them. He didn’t want to wear underwear the first time I asked him to because he was afraid of getting them wet, poor kid.
Overall, I’m so proud of him, and I know we will have our setbacks and hard days, but right now I have nothing but respect for how well he is dealing with it. It also helps that he is motivated by chocolate chips or “yellow” chocolate chips (butterscotch). I really haven’t even bought many potty books for him and truthfully I haven’t read any how-to books myself. Maybe there is great advice out there, but it seems like such a unique experience and an opportunity for us to grow together versus trying to follow someone else’s plan. He does however have the book, “The Potty Train” – I’ll link it below – and he loves it! If your kid is into trains and you need to bump the idea of potty training, this one is for you. We read it every night before bed, and I will occasionally catch him reading it to his stuffed elephant because after reading it together 175 times it’s safe to say he has it memorized.
Okay, that is all for now. I’ll keep you updated on this journey we’re on, and to all of you mamas in the same boat – good luck and keep up the positive words for your little ones! I know this period is lonely and almost like having a newborn again (staying secluded to the house for a different reason this time!), but the end result is going to be worth it. Hang in there!