Have you ever felt that pull deep down in your soul to do something extraordinary? Or like there is something big out there for you but you hesitate because it seems too big? A lurking lifelong dream that sits in the cobwebs, taking a backseat to the ‘play it safe’ plans?
I get it. Big dreams are fun to think about but actually really daunting, if not seemingly impossible in reality. Going after that BIG thing often requires a complete 180 of your lifestyle, current path, and often even your personality. It takes guts. And grit. And finding peace with uncertainty.

I am currently embarking on a journey (actually 2 or 3) to pursue that BIG thing that has flooded my mind for years, but especially the last couple. I’ve been given the gift of a deep seated knowing that physical life is finite, and the bold realization that I am not going to be thanking myself when I’m 90 for only going after the easy goals. The worst thing that could happen on this chase is that I find out it’s not the thing I wanted after all, but oh, the experiences I will have gained figuring that out.
There are a few journal prompts that have helped me release the fear and embrace the excitement of going after the huge dreams:
- If I was not afraid of what anyone would do or say or think, what would I be doing differently?
- What three things would you do if there was no worry, anxiety, or fear?
- What would you do, experience, explore in life if there were no limitations at all?
- Write a list of your wildest dreams for the next year, 5 years, and 10 years. Don’t hold back.
I have a list of things I wanted to accomplish in 2024 and then also a 5 year list. I scanned the list yesterday, and I have done 75% of them. I’m not kidding. At the time I wrote them I honestly thought none of them were possible, but they were fun to think about and hope for. (And pray that my body would shape up so I could do them.) I planted the seeds in my mind, and somewhere along the way they came to fruition in the most magical ways.
“Fear is just an illusion when you are taking things one step at a time.”
Embrace the discomfort. There are going to be ups and downs on the path to the big things. There just are; it’s inevitable. Embrace them, learn from them, grow with them.
I’ve grasped onto this motto the last 6 months. After dealing with a huge health issue it feels more true than ever: ‘Life is inherently easy’.
Next time, I’d like to write about a few virtues that have really spoken to me and helped me through the darkest days, and full heartedly go after the huge dreams. One of the most profound, but the hardest to execute has been detachment. Detaching my true self from illness, detaching from the outside world (things, people, judgements), detaching from outcomes. Oof, that last one.
Another thought for another day.
Until next time, sending good thoughts your way.
Traci xx