Have you ever experienced a moment in time where a wave of contentment washes over you? There’s no worry of the past or fear of the future. You aren’t thinking about your grocery list or the minutes left in your workday. You are just you.
You are in sync with the deepest levels of your true self. There are no masks, no doubts, no societal opinions, no judgements. It feels good. Like really good.
What’s holding you back from having that feeling all the time? You felt it once so there’s proof it’s in there somewhere, ready to be found again.

Are you your own road block?
What’s stopping you from waking up and deciding: ‘I am THAT person. I emit light to my world. I walk with a carefree saunter knowing that everything is working out for my greater good. I trust it. I trust the calm in my soul even if the world is swirling around me. I have an umbrella and rain boots. I’m solid in my inner self knowing that time and place are temporary, but my being is non dimmable.’
Sounds simple. Theoretically it is. Until your coffee spills on the carpet. And the babysitter is 20 minutes late. You get a ticket on the way to work.
The light starts to lose its luster. It’s seemingly not your fault. But, it kind of is. You are the only one who can let outside nuances bother you.
Once you have figured out how to light your invincible flame, you have it and you can keep it.
How wonderful.
Are you ready to find it?
Close your eyes.
See who you want to be.
See the glow of goodness coming from your expressions, your heart.
Feel the confidence radiating out of your whole body as you spend your day exactly as you’re meant to.
Sense the ease in your soul with the peace of being in the present, embracing every little perfect thing from the design in your latte to the sound of rustling leaves.
There’s no wishing for something different, regretting yesterday, or criticism of yourself because it is all undoubtedly what was designed for you.
Can you feel it?
Does it feel like a sip of warm tea? Or the smell of freshly baked cookies? Or a slow, cozy hug from your favorite person?
Once you have found it, go be it.
Open your eyes and walk into the world as that person.
Smile at the bus driver.
Choose not to react to the person in traffic who cut you off.
Remind yourself to slow down, savor.
Decide to find the good in every moment.
What happens if you lose it? Because you will. Hundreds of times. There will be times when your words and actions will reflect the tiredness, the frustration, the worry, and the disconnect.
Relax into knowing that those are temporary states of being. Clouds blocking your light. Take a breath and wait. Clouds never stop moving. They will pass.
Every moment is a chance to try again. Step back into the true you. Brighten your surroundings unapologetically. Then you will lose it and try again. And again. And again.
You will soon find that you will never have to find the light again. It will be with you, in you, ever present. It will be you. Some days may be brighter than others, but you will flow with the waves easily knowing that the journey is always inherently good.

Be the you your soul yearns for and thrive in the ease life gives you in return.
Traci xx